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 In this clip from the BBC’s Natural World:                                                                                                     Ant Attack, we see central and east Africa’s powerful dorylus or driver ants hard at work. Watch as construction and ground workers begin to move up to 80 pounds of soil from the base of a fallen tree. It will become their new home in just a few days. Previous soil residents, beware! Plus, note how their sizes vary greatly, dependant on their role in the colony. A few fascinating facts: Seasonally, when food supplies become short, they leave the hill and form marching columns of up to 50,000,000 ants, which are considered a menace to people, though they can be easily avoided; a column can only travel about 20 metres in an hour… Their presence is, conversely, beneficial to certain human communities, such as the Maasai, as they perform a pest prevention service in farming communities, consuming the majority of other crop-pests, from insects to l


With out a plan nobody can reach their destination. As Bob (2010), described that “Personal development refers to activities that improve self-knowledge and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations. The concept is not limited to self-development but includes formal and informal activities for developing others, in roles such as teacher, guide, counsellor, manager, coach, or mentor. Finally, as personal development takes place in the context of institutions, it refers to the methods, programs, tools, techniques, and assessment systems that support human development at the individual level in organizations” Personal development planning is a supported process which helps to focus on individual performance and helps to achieve and develop their carrier. The main objective of personal development plan is to improve the capacity of individual. 

According to personal development is repeatedly putting a person in a position where we need to be change or developed or motivated to reach our destination. It takes control of a person to grow and forcing to become stagnant. Personal development and growth are vital to success. Most of the people fail to achieve their goal because of lack effort, time constants or an incapability of focusing on the goals.

According to web site PDP is defined as “a structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning, performance and/or achievement and to plan for their personal, educational and career development. PDP embraces a range of approach to learning that join planning (an individual’s goals and intentions for learning or achievement), doing (aligning actions to intention), copy (judgment, facts, experience, in order to recognize and evidence the procedure and results of learning) and expression reviewing and evaluate experiences and the results of learning.”

Personal development plan is a process which gives a persona a clear view of life. And every conscious professional should have a personal development plan to achieve their objective and reach their destination.

Importance of Personal Development :

Every body got its own talent inside. Every individual has its own idea and talent. But most of us can not explore it because of lacking of personal development. Without growth life is like dull existence. Due to lie situations many people can not develop personally. Growth is essential part of life of a person. Personal development helps to learn which we are capable to learn. Personal development is very important. It helps to find out opportunity to create a better life mentally, physically and spiritually. Personal development is very important. It helps to find out opportunity to create a better life mentally, physically and spiritually. There are few reasons why personal development is important.

First reason is personal development helps you to focus on important things of your life. There are many things in u your life which can divert you from important things. For an example it could be short – term pleasure. Short term pleasure may make us feel good for short time but it will be cause the long term suffer for future. Only personal development can direct you on the right path.

Second reason is personal development develops our capacity. Personal development not only focus on important things of our life but also helps to handle a critical situation. We are capable to face some specific challenge but personal development increase our limit to handle more difficult challenge.

Third reason is personal development helps us to connect with positive people. When we will involve us in personal development then we will found many positive people around us. Having this positive people around us , we will be more motivated to move forward.

Personal development means hard work. it takes consistence, patience and time. According to web site if we want our personal development we need to focus on gaining courage which thing we fare of, decilpline, more learning, hope and power. Personal development is an investment for our life. Personal development helps to improve our knowledge. Personal development is an attitude which helps to improve our life.

If you want development in our personal life we need to focus on Understand yourself

Improve your awareness, Work on your attitude, Believe in yourself, potentials Develop your skills, Set your goals, Begin with the end in mind. It is very important to under stand my self fist because we need to know where is our weakness and straight and believe on yourself and be confident. And then set our goals it is very important to set our goal it is impossible with out a goal to achieve something. And last one is set up mind. It means we must have to be confident and promise that I will do it by any chance.

Allen and Adair (1999) state that “There is no ‘end’ to the self-development process.” The also show that why this is important for professional life and where to focus on. Personal development helps to improve our performance , develop appropriate skills and competences and realise full potential. Every body want a position to work but most of them don’t have proper set of goals. Only for this reason most of us can not reach our desired destination. Only personal development program can help us to know where to go how to improve our self and help us to reach our destination.

From the above discursion it is clear that personal development is very important for our life. It gives conscious effort to grow up.

Every body grew up with their own individual talent and skills. Personal development helps us to find out these skills. Like that I have some skills in my professional life.

Team worker : I believe that I am very good team player because when I work I like to involve every one into work, look after individual needs and seeks to gain commitment by participation. I am very good listener and willing to lend my hand if needed. For my hard work and as a good team player I became associate of the month from my working place.

Co- ordinator : I am confident at my work place. I am able to work at busy time and able to take the challenge. I am always committed to my organizational goal and objective. For those activities I became crew trainer at my working place.

A Good Presenter : Presentation skills is very important for professional life. I conducted a professional skill course and learned how to do it properly. On the first day of my presentation exam I run away from speech desk but after that I took that challenge and I got second height marks on my final exam.

I discussed about my three skills which I poses. But I believe that I need more practice on it. And I need to go farther for more skills which will help me in future for my professional life.

1.2 Importance of Professional Skills:

According to web site skills defined as “Proficiency , dexterity that is acquired or developed through training or experience.”

Professional skill is very important for personal carrier. We must focus on it. Professional skills is a kind of skill that we learned from a company and applied on professional life.

The skill and importance are described below :

Communication Skills : Communication skills are very important for professional life. It is very important to have a good communication skill. With out a proper communication it is impossible to communicate with other and achieve the objective.

Performance Management : Performance management should be consider very strongly. It is about to find out recognized staff and reward them, conduct coaching sessions with staff etc.

Customer Service : As a manager it is very important to focus on customer service. It is all about to improvement of customer service.

Organizational skill : To achieve an organizational goal we must have to have organizational skill. Which includes effective at delegating work , time management system etc.

Professional development : Professional development is very important for professional life. It is important to know department roles plans and regulation of working place.

Legal Issue : Legal issue base on understanding the all employment laws. Effective legal employment interview etc.

Leadership : Make decisions easily and effectively monitoring assignments without micromanaging.

Team work: Positive atmosphere which helps to team work together. Creat opportunity for other.

Problem solving : With out problem solving attitude it is impossible to run a company. It most important for professional skill.

From the above discursion , it is clear that it is very important all professional person.

To make a successful carrier those skills are very important.

From the Belbin team roles – “Self Perception Inventory” using this tools we can get into depth of importance of professional skills. Plant , resource investigator , co-ordinates , monitor evaluator , team worker, implementer , complete finisher those are the key factor of professional skills.

I completed Belbin Team Roles assessment and found my self as a team worker. Which indicate that like to involve with everyone, I like to looks after individual and perceptive and diplomatic. And find my weakness as I could be influenced and indecisive in crunch situations. I attach the table below.


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